Morningstar Help
Morningstar Portfolio Manager Help: track your investments by allocation or by specific transactions
Creating a New Portfolio. You can set up two different types of portfolios within the Morningstar Portfolio Manager: Watchlist portfolios are most useful if you just want to plug in a list of funds and their percentage allocations. These allocations will stay static for the life of the portfolio. Transaction portfolios are best when you wish to track investments and withdrawals specific to a given date. To start a new Portfolio, within Portfolio Manager click on Create. Please name your portfolio (50 characters maximum) and select a currency for your portfolio. We provide other options than the only British Pounds in case you are located outside the U.K. or you are investing in a different currency.
Watchlist Portfolios: allocate a Portfolio by Percentage or Current Value
When creating a Watchlist Portfolio, you can enter funds and specify their allocations. To add a fund, please start typing the fund name in the Holdings column and you should immediately see the list of funds that most closely match what you have typed. You could also type 'Cash' to add cash into your portfolio. By default, this screen accepts percentage allocations. However, if you prefer to enter amounts, just click the Allocation £ radio button. To delete a fund, select the tickbox to the left of the fund name, and click the Delete button at the top of the Holdings column. If you need to add more funds that the screen currently allows, just click the Add Entry Fields button at the bottom left hand of the screen. Note that you won't be able to move off this screen until your portfolio equals 100%.Once you have created your portfolio click on Save.
Transaction Portfolios: track specific Buy and Sell Portfolio Transactions
When creating a Transaction Portfolio, you can create specific buy and sell transactions. To add a fund, start typing the fund name, ticker or ISIN in the Holdings column and you should immediately see the list of funds that most closely matches what you have typed. Then, choose the type of transaction: select Buy or Sell and then enter the number of shares, the date, and the price. If you know you've paid a commission, go ahead and enter that too. To delete a fund, select the tickbox to the left of the fund name, and click the Delete button at the top of the Holdings column. If you need to add more funds that the screen currently allows, just click the Add Entry Fields button at the bottom left hand of the screen. Once you have created your portfolio click on Save.
How many portfolios can I create?
On you can create up to five different portfolios and each portfolio can have a maximum of one hundred holdings. If you have more holdings than that, you can track all of them by setting up more than one portfolio.
Where can I see profit and loss estimates since the date I purchased the funds?
For your information a profit and loss estimate since the date of purchase is available only in Transactional portfolios. Once you have finished creating the portfolio, please select the Gain / Loss tab from the Tracking section. The last two columns will show you the profit or loss you are realizing on each holding and an overall estimate for the portfolio.
How do I enter Dividends in Transaction Portfolios?
Within a Transaction Portfolio, you can enter dividend reinvestments. Note that dividends are not automatically reinvested by our Portfolio Manager and they must be entered manually. From the Edit tab in a Transaction Portfolio, choose Dividend. Please select the fund within your portfolio for which a dividend exists, using the drop down menu in the first Holdings column. Enter the date of reinvestment, and the amount and the price that has been reinvested. Example: you are paid out a dividend for Fund X (Holding) on 2010-06-30 (Purchase Date) that you would like to reinvest. The amount you wish to reinvest is £60 (Total Value Distributed), the price (Reinvest Share Price) is £17.69, and therefore you get 3.73 shares. To delete a transaction, select the tickbox to the left of the fund name, and click the Delete button at the top of the Holdings column. To add more lines, click the Add Entry Fields button at the bottom left. When you have entered the dividend reinvestments select Save at the bottom right of the page.
How do I enter Splits in Transaction Portfolios?
Within a Transaction Portfolio, you can factor in a split if it occurred in a fund. Note that splits are not accounted for automatically. From the Edit tab in a Transaction Portfolio, choose Splits. Please select the fund within your portfolio using the drop down menu in the first Holdings column. Enter the date the split occurred and the split ratio. For example, if you received 2 shares for every 1 share you owned, you would enter 2 for 1. To delete a transaction, select the tickbox to the left of the fund name, and then the Delete button at the top of the Holdings column. Please remember to save any changes done, clicking on Save at the bottom right of the page.
How do I enter Recurring Transactions in Transaction Portfolios?
Within a Transaction Portfolio, you can set monthly, quarterly or yearly transactions. Use this feature if you want to buy a bit of a fund on a regular basis. From the Edit tab in a Transaction Portfolio, select Recurring. Use the drop down menu in the first column to select the fund you have a recurring transaction for. Enter the date of the first transaction and the amount you wish to buy. After you have chosen the currency, select the frequency of the transaction: monthly, quarterly or yearly. To delete a fund, select the tickbox to the left of the fund name, and click the Delete button at the top of the Holdings column. To add more lines, click the Add Entry Fields button at the bottom left. When you have entered the recurring transactions, click Save.
Where can I see all of the recurring transactions I have entered for one of the holdings in my portfolio?
In order to see the full list of recurring transactions, please open your transaction portfolio, click on Edit and select Transactions. Please note that recurring transactions show on the Portfolio Manager the day after they have been entered.
What is the difference between total return and personal return?
For each transactional portfolio, within the Performance section you can find two types of returns, personal and total. Total return tells you how much your portfolio has increased or decreased in value over a given period. Personal return, by contrast, takes into account the timing of buy and sell transactions. Comparing your portfolio's total return and personal return can give you a good idea of how effectively you have timed sales and purchases. If you haven't made any transactions, the two returns will be the same.
Portfolio Subscriptions and Alerts
For all of your portfolios, you can sign up for two types of regular e-mail reports: Portfolio Updates and Email Alerts. Choose Portfolio Updates if you wish to receive regular performance updates as you can sign up for daily or weekly e-mail summaries. On the Portfolio Subscriptions page, please select a portfolio and indicate whether you would like daily or weekly performance updates. Choose E-mail Alerts if you wish to monitor if your portfolio(s) break certain business rules. For example, you can set up an alert that lets you know when the cash allocation of your portfolio goes over, or under, a specific limit. On the Portfolio Subscriptions page, please select a portfolio and then indicate the asset class that you would like to monitor. Select greater than or less than and type in a threshold. You will be notified by e-mail when a portfolio update from a fund company triggers this rule.
Is it possible to export portfolio data into Excel?
The data available on our website cannot be exported to Excel at the moment.  Our website is under constant development and this option might be available in the future, however there is no specific time frame at present.
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