Investment Objective: BlackRock Cash D Inc |
The aim of the Fund is to provide a rate of interest (i.e. a return) (gross of fees) for unitholders, consistent with preservation of principal (capital) and liquidity. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the Fund will invest in cash and money-market instruments (i.e. debt securities with short-term maturities) and up to 10% in units in collective investment schemes (i.e. other investment funds which may be Associated Funds). These types of investments may be issued by both UK and non-UK issuers, but shall be denominated in Sterling. The Fund will be actively managed. The Fund is not recommended for investors seeking long-term capital growth (i.e. a return on investor's investment (generated through an increase in the value of the assets held by the Fund) over the long term (5 or more consecutive years beginning at the point of investment). |