Genus PLC - Basingstoke, Hampshire-based company that sells products made using biotechnology to cattle and pig farmers - Says Jason Chin will become non-executive director from April 1, replacing Ian Charles, who will step down from May 31 after three years. Notes Chin is the head of the Centre for Chemical & Synthetic Biology at the Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge, where he works to develop and apply methods for reprogramming the genetic code of living organisms.
"Over his tenure Ian has provided the company with significant scientific expertise, guidance and insight as the company has progressed its strategic focus on research and development in genomics, gene editing and biosystems engineering. We thank Ian for his significant contributions during that time and are delighted to welcome to the board Jason Chin, whose deep scientific expertise and experience will enable the board to have a seamless transition as we continue to execute our strategy," says Chair Iain Ferguson.
Current stock price: 5,020.16 pence
Year-to-date change: up 20%
By Zoe Wickens;
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