ECO Animal Health Group PLC - pet and livestock pharmaceuticals company headquartered in Surrey - Receives marketing authorisations from the US Center for Veterinary Medicine of the Food & Drug Administration and from the Veterinary Drugs Directorate of Health Canada for swine respiratory disease medicine Aivlosin. The medicine will be marketed through Eco Animal's sales and marketing joint operation with Pharmgate Corp, Pharmgate Animal Health.
"We are delighted to receive this significant marketing authorisation for Aivlosin Water Soluble Granules in the US and in Canada which are among the most important pork producing and exporting countries in the world. M. hyopneumoniae plays a pivotal role in the important swine respiratory disease segment and its control is frequently considered by swine producers to be one of the most important issues they face today," says Eco Animal Chief Executive Marc Loomes.
Current stock price: 255.00 pence
Year-to-date change: flat
By Ife Taiwo;
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