Latest Morningstar Stock Research

A bidding war for BP's Russian assets and Rio Tinto earning a 5-Star rating are among the highlights of Morningstar equity research in the past week

Holly Cook 24 July, 2012 | 5:25PM
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In the past week, Morningstar’s equity analysts have published new research on no fewer than 12 FTSE 350 stocks, one of which now boasts a 5-Star rating and another of which has been filling numerous column inches today amid M&A news.

Click on a company name below to read the latest research on that stock. (Ensure you’re signed into your Premium account to access Morningstar research. Not a Premium member? Get instant access to Morningstar research and tools when you take a free 14-day trial.)

A New 5-Star Stock
Mega-miner Rio Tinto (RIO) is the company in question. Following the firm’s recent first-half results, Morningstar’s Mark Taylor has updated his long-term thesis and trimmed his forecasts, though the fair value estimate is unchanged. Rio shares ticked up on the back of its earnings announcement but have suffered weakness so far this week amid an industry report stating mining sector M&A is subdued. With shares down 4% this week, the stock has earned a 5-Star Morningstar Rating indicating that the market is currently undervaluing the company compared to our analyst’s valuation.

Rio rival BHP Billiton (BLT) has also been under Taylor’s spotlight in the past week, receiving an investment case update and valuation review.

Bidding War for BP's Russian Assets?
Today it was announced that energy giant Rosneft is the undisclosed bidder for BP's (BP) 50% stake in Russian oil producer TNK-BP that was initially alluded to by BP last month. Also bidding for its Russian assets is its partner in TNK-BP, Alfa Access-Renova (AAR). Based on TNK-BP's current market valuation (its shares are traded in Moscow), BP's stake is worth roughly $18 billion (£11.6 billion). Our expectation is that proceeds from a deal, if consummated, will be in the $20 billion-$25 billion (£13 billion-£16 billion) range. Though its risks will be lowered from such a sale, BP simply does not have access to oil and gas projects that can match the stellar returns offered by its Russian joint venture.

New Research on Financials
Senior banking analyst Erin Davis has downgraded her Morningstar fair value estimate for HSBC (HSBA) on the back of increased cost of equity projections.

News that Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY) has finally come to an agreement to sell 632 branches as required by the conditions of its bailout during the financial crisis, prompted Erin Davis to also review her case for the bank. Davis says she’s glad to see the uncertainty come to an end, but that the sale is expensive for Lloyds.

Having been added to Morningstar’s research coverage last month, London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) has since issued a first quarter statement that prompted Morningstar’s Gaston F. Ceron to review his expectations.

New Research on Utilities
Charles Fishman has reiterated his fair value estimate for Centrica (CNA).

Ofgem’s publication of teaser highlights from its upcoming rate-setting proposal triggered more to-ing and fro-ing between the utilities regulator and National Grid (NG.); Travis Miller has been digesting the numbers.

Other New Research
Morningstar’s Brett Horn has upgraded his fair value estimate on De La Rue (DLAR).

IMI’s (IMI) global scale, strong free cash flow potential and high invested capital returns should stand the company in good stead, analyst Daniel Holland believes.

Reed Elsevier (REL) shareholders would be best served if the firm focused on bolstering its two core businesses through internal investment and returned capital in the form of dividends, Michael Corty writes.

Vodafone’s (VOD) organic first-quarter revenue was broadly in line with Allan C. Nichols’ expectations, but the pound’s strength versus many of the currencies where the mobile giant has its operations hurt the reported numbers.

There is more than enough demand from global corporations to allow for WPP’s (WPP) steady profitability, analyst Michael Corty says in his latest research report.

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About Author

Holly Cook

Holly Cook  is Manager, Morningstar EMEA Websites

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