Morningstar ETF Research provides in-depth and accessible analysis into exchange-traded products available in Europe. Our team of independent analysts has this week launched five new ETF Research Reports. These ETFs track the eurozone government bond market with various maturities ranging from 1-3 yr to 7-10 yr, including a eurozone inflation-linked ETF. Click on the ETF names below to be taken to the Morningstar Research Reports. Morningstar Research is available to Premium subscribers--try out Premium for 14 days for free here.
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New ETF Research Reports
ComStage ETF iBoxx Euro Liquid Sovereigns Diversifed 1-3y (Ticker: X502)
Excerpt from report: This ETF offers investors exposure to the shortest-dated maturity segment of the eurozone government bond market. The short-term maturity bias and ample liquidity associated with the eurozone government bond market make this ETF a possible alternative to cash holdings.
ComStage ETF iBoxx Euro Liquid Sovereigns Diversifed 3-5y (X503)
Excerpt from report: Given the current low yield environment, particularly for short-to-medium-dated maturities from top-rated eurozone issuers, investors looking to equitise their cash may find this medium-dated government debt ETF a more suitable investment than short-dated debt due to the potential for higher returns.
iShares Barclays Capital Euro Government Bond 3-5y (IBGX)
Excerpt from report: Investors seeking short-to-medium-dated eurozone sovereign debt exposure need to be aware that this ETF includes issuances from non-AAA-rated sovereigns. As a result, low yields offered by top-rated issuers and the capital losses experienced by peripheral issuers resulted in this ETF's relatively modest performance of 3.2% compared to the average ECB refinancing rate (1.19%) annualised for the past two years.
iShares Barclays Capital Euro Government Bond 7-10y (IBGM)
Excerpt from report: This ETF offers investors exposure to the longer-dated segment of the most liquid issuers of the eurozone government bond market. The bulk of the reference index is composed of bonds from Germany and France, notionally making this one of the safer longer-dated sovereign debt ETFs on the market, even after S&P’s decision to strip France off its AAA rating.
Lyxor ETF EuroMTS Inflation Linked (MTI)
Excerpt from report: This ETF offers investors exposure to the market performance of eurozone government inflation-linked bonds. By design, inflation-linked bonds protect an investor's purchasing power by paying interest on an inflation-adjusted principal value. Purchasing power protection is one of the key components of an optimal asset allocation, and can be viewed as a viable substitute for cash holdings.
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