GS Dynamic Opportunities Winds Down

CORRECTION CEF TIMES December 7-13: Shareholders of the fund approve the wind-down of its portfolio and the return of capital

Szymon Idzikowski 14 December, 2011 | 10:42AM
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Correcting to show that Amati VCT 2 bought shares in TLA Worldwide, not vice versa.

Amati VCT 2 (AT2): The venture capital fund has bought over 2.8 million shares in U.S. baseball player agency TLA Worldwide, representing 4.5% of the company's issued share capital.

Baring Emerging Europe (BEE): The board proposes to undertake a tender offer to facilitate a return of capital in respect of up to 20% of the company's shares in issue. The tender price will be the equivalent of 97% of the company's NAV. The board also proposes to adopt a discount control mechanism that will allow it to buy back shares in an attempt to prevent the discount from exceeding 10%. The fund currently trades at a discount that’s slightly wider than this limit.

Brookwell D Shares (BKWD): The company will return £3 million on December 29 in a pro rata redemption of D shares. After the share buyback, there will still be almost 14 million of D shares in issue, all of which the company is intending to re-purchase.

Dexion Equity Alternative (DEA): BNP Paribas Arbitrage has increased its stake in the hedge fund by 4.5 million shares. It has been topping up its holding since mid-year and now, with over 22%, is the largest shareholder in the fund. Dexion Capital has been appointed as a joint financial adviser and joint broker; it will work alongside K2 Advisors and RBS Hoare Govett Limited, respectively.

GS Dynamic Opportunities GBP (GSDO): Shareholders of the fund have approved an amendment to the company’s investment objective and policy to facilitate a managed wind-down of its portfolio and the return of capital to shareholders. Thus the company will not make any new investments. The GBP shares will continue to be listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange as long the company meets the requirement of the Listing Rules. The fund was launched in July 2006 and total assets are currently £127 million.

London & Stamford Property (LSP): GE Asset Management has sold its entire stake of over 13.5% in the direct property fund.

Polo Resources (POL): Subject to shareholder approval, the company is proposing to expand its investment policy. Polo Resources makes direct and indirect investments in natural resources companies and projects. In order to increase its flexibility and take advantage of investment opportunities at all stages of the resources' cycle, the board wants to allow the manager to invest in companies providing drilling, processing, transportation and/or ancillary support services to mining and oil and gas companies. Shareholders will vote on the resolution at the general meeting held on December 28.

Private Equity Investor (PEQ): CG Asset Management has bought 1.6 million shares taking its stake to almost 14%, while Laxey Partners has sold more than 8%, reducing its holding to 16.6%. Private Equity Investor currently trades at a 37% discount to its NAV, compared with a 12-month average of 28%.

Real Estate Credit Investments (RECI): The company will launch a preference share buy-back programme on December 12. The company intends to purchase up to nearly 7.5 million shares, representing 14.99% of the company's issued preference shares, with the objective of reducing the issued preference share capital,.

Strathdon Investments (STV): Subject to shareholder approval, the company intends to cancel its shares from trading on the AIM and to re-register as a private limited company. A general meeting will be held on December 30. If both resolutions get approved, the fund anticipates its last dealing day will be January 9. The private equity fund was formed in June 2004 and has less than £3 million left in assets.

Terra Catalyst (TCF): The company has taken steps to list its shares on the CISX (Channel Island Stock Exchange) to supplement its listing on AIM. The aim of this is to diversify the company’s investor base.

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Szymon Idzikowski

Szymon Idzikowski  is a closed-end fund analyst with Morningstar.

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