Financial Planning Week: Case Study #3

As has unfortunately been the case for many, this ex-City worker has found himself out of a job with a young family to support

Holly Cook 9 September, 2009 | 1:13PM
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Case Study #3
Robert, via e-mail (contact details supplied):

“After a 20-year career in the City, I am now out of work, married with two small children and a 50% loan-to-value mortgage. I need to re-gear and re-invest appropriately and would appreciate any advice you could give.”

The Answer
Marlene Shalton, Certified Financial Planner with Bluefin Group and vice president of the Institute of Financial Planning:

"Without earnings it would be difficult for you to remortgage with another provider. It may be worth visiting your current lender to see what support it will provide whilst you are out of work, such as a payment holiday or reduction in payments. It is possible that it could put you on a more flexible payment basis that allows this, especially if you have been a good payer in the past and given the amount of equity in the property.

"You do not say whether you have any capital available to reduce the mortgage and whether you have any unemployment cover in place that you could claim on.

If your spouse is earning then this may impact on other benefits you can claim but it is still worth as visit to the local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or the local Benefits office, to assess whether Working tax credit and /or Income Support is worth looking at.

"It would be worth approaching the local council to see if you are eligible for a reduction in council tax. This will depend on income, savings and your personal circumstances. If you have another non-liable adult living with you, benefit may be granted. If eligible for Income Support, you may also get help with mortgage interest payments.

"For those not yet in this position, this is what Financial Planning really focuses on, the ability to maintain your lifestyle and your family’s in the event of these unexpected events, such as redundancy, sickness and, at worse, death. You can find details of a Financial Planner in your area at"

All this week, Morningstar is partnering the Institute of Financial Planning in promoting Financial Planning Week--click here to access additional case studies, take our poll, enter our quiz competition and read up on how to successfully plan your finances.

Disclaimer: The financial adviser was provided by the Institute of Financial Planning. Morningstar is not responsible for the selection of the financial adviser nor will it be liable in any way for any advice or information provided by the financial adviser.

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Holly Cook

Holly Cook  is Manager, Morningstar EMEA Websites

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