Schroder ISF US Smaller Cos: Qual. Rating Issued

Schroder ISF US Smaller Companies is among the best of its breed.

Chetan Modi 23 April, 2009 | 9:36AM
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We have published a new Morningstar Qualitative Rating and Research Report for Schroder ISF US Smaller Companies.

"Jenny Jones had big boots to fill when she took the helm here in 2002. Her predecessor, Ira Unschuld, left an enviable track record but she has undoubtedly risen to the

challenge. Jones was quick to assemble a team of seasoned analysts with sector specialties and she has gradually increased resources as needed. Moreover, she plies a strategy which has served investors well since taking over.. . ."

The full four page pdf report can be accessed here. It is free to users of

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Securities Mentioned in Article

Security NamePriceChange (%)Morningstar
Schroder ISF US Smlr Coms Impct A AccUSD234.04 USD0.98Rating

About Author

Chetan Modi  is a fund analyst at Morningstar OBSR.

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