Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Equity

A cautious and disciplined approach from an experienced manager, who delivers over the longer term.

Stephen Marriott, 30 October, 2007 | 9:35AM
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Richard Smith manages a diversified portfolio of smaller company equities with an emphasis on protecting downside risk. In fact during falling markets he’s outperformed 92% of the time - a rare quality indeed! He is a veteran of the sector having begun his career in 1973 and throughout the 1990’s Smith managed the Lazard UK Smaller Companies fund before moving to Invesco Perpetual in 2002.

Smith is fundamental stock picker targeting fast growing companies with clear competitive advantages. He applies a long term approach to investing, as reflected by the fund’s low

turnover. In the 12 months to July 07 portfolio turnover was 36%, which is an unusually low figure for the sector.

What makes Smith different is the fact that he rigidly sticks to his criteria. His companies must feature at least one of the following characteristics: intellectual capital, a dominant market position, unique products and long term contracts. Synergy Healthcare, the fund’s largest holding, exemplifies most of these qualities. It is the number one supplier of sterilised instruments to the Healthcare sector, no contract accounts for more than 3% of sales and the company is growing twice as fast as the market.

Smith’s defensive qualities are also evident from the way he constructs his portfolio. There are some 140 stocks in the fund, reflecting his caution towards riskier stocks, such as biotechs where he takes a ‘basket’ approach (smaller positions in many stocks), and new holdings can start off quite small. Smith is also mindful of a stock’s market capitalisation, and to an extent, proportions his holdings on this basis, which ensures adequate portfolio liquidity. However, given the manager’s belief in running his winners, some stocks can end up as quite large holdings. For example, Smith has invested in Northgate and Fenner for more than ten years and they now represent over 4% of the fund.

It’s rare to find a small cap manager as experienced as Smith and his record stands the test of time. Of the 16 funds in the UK Small-Cap Equity category which have performance data going back to 1990, Lazard UK Smaller Cos (1990- June 2002) is the clear winner. And Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Equity (July 2002 – October 2007) is ranked 31st percentile and has one of the lowest volatility records.

The fund isn’t without its risks. Smith’s cautious approach may result in him missing out on shorter term opportunities, and sometimes he is slow to sell. More recently he was caught out by the fall-out in the property sector. Also in bull markets the fund is likely to lag the top performers.

Overall though, Smith follows a disciplined approach and among small caps, this is the kind of fund that should offer some comfort to the more nervous investor should markets take a significant turn for the worse.

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