New Ratings
Troy Trojan – Gold
David Holder
Troy Trojan is a strong offering for risk-averse investors seeking capital preservation and long-term growth. Sebastian Lyon, the manager, employs a process that is cautious and focuses on the long term. The top-down framework is key, and he has the ability to invest in equities, government bonds, index-linked bonds, and precious metals and also to use cash actively. Equity exposure tends to be concentrated in around 25 to 45 holdings, where he looks for a sustainable business franchise that makes good allocation of capital.
There is a great amount to like here including an exceptionally experienced manager propagating an established and effective process, as well as an outstanding track record with this strategy since May 2001. We initiate our coverage with our Morningstar Analyst Rating of Gold.
Parvest Equity USA Mid Cap – Neutral
Fatima Khizou
Parvest Equity USA Mid Cap’s lead manager Thyra Zerhusen and team have tended to invest in the same group of names and have shown little evidence of identifying new attractive investment ideas to keep up with evolving industries and markets.
Furthermore, they have, at times, held on to names to the fund’s detriment, suggesting that they may have trouble cutting their losses. Combined with high fund charges, these concerns diminish our conviction in the fund’s ability to outperform. Its Morningstar Analyst Rating is therefore downgraded to Neutral from Bronze.
Moved from Under Review
Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Equity – Neutral
Henderson EuroTrust Ord – Neutral
Pete Brunt
Tim Stevenson, Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Equity’s long-standing manager, is set to retire in early 2019. The fund will then be under the control of James Ross, who has no prior lead portfolio manager experience and limited European equities experience.
We therefore have little conviction in the fund’s ability to outperform in the long term, which is reflected in its Morningstar Analyst Rating moving to Neutral.