BlackRock Global Funds US Basic Value - Bronze

FUND RESEARCH UPDATE: Fund rating upgraded to Bronze

Ruli Viljoen 30 September, 2014 | 12:35PM
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Following the Morningstar OBSR Analyst Ratings Meeting on 11th September 2014, we have upgraded the Blackrock Global Funds US Basic Value fund to a Morningstar OBSR Analyst Rating™ of Bronze. The fund previously held a Neutral rating. Since the departure of the fund manager, Kevin Rendino, in October 2012, the fund has been managed by Bart Geer. Mr Geer has 30 years of investment experience and had successfully managed the US-sold Putnam Equity Income fund for 13 years prior to joining BlackRock. Since arriving at BlackRock, he has rebuilt the team he inherited and has used the same approach he employed to good effect at Putnam. Having demonstrated the ability to implement his investment process across different market environments, which has led to consistent returns at both Putnam and BlackRock, we believe a Bronze rating is now warranted.

See the latest Morningstar OBSR fund rating news here.

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Securities Mentioned in Article

Security NamePriceChange (%)Morningstar
BGF US Basic Value A2135.94 USD0.14Rating

About Author

Ruli Viljoen

Ruli Viljoen  is Head of Manager Selection, Morningstar UK

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