Schroder UK Absolute Target - Bronze

FUND RESEARCH UPDATE: Fund rating maintained at Bonze

Ruli Viljoen 9 September, 2014 | 2:05PM
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Following the announcement by Schroders that Julie Dean has left the firm, we have decided to maintain the Morningstar OBSR Analyst Rating™ of the Schroder UK Absolute Target fund at Bronze. Whilst we believe the departure of Ms Dean to be a loss to the fund, which she has co-managed with portfolio manager Steve Cordell since 2011, we draw comfort from the continuity that Mr Cordell provides, supported by a long investment experience in pan-European equities and his skillful execution of the business cycle approach since 1998. We will continue to monitor the fund as Mr Cordell runs it single-handedly.

See the latest Morningstar OBSR fund rating news here.

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About Author

Ruli Viljoen

Ruli Viljoen  is Head of Manager Selection, Morningstar UK

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