Investors looking to make their cash ISA allocation before the end of the tax year are running out of time – and options. Many of the market leading cash ISAs have closed before the end of the tax year, thanks to their popularity. With fewer options on the market, savers are being urged to pick an ISA simply for its tax-efficient benefits rather than the interest rate.
Susan Hannums of advised: “With just days to go, savers would be wise to opt for an ISA with ease of application such as online or branch based accounts, to ensure they don’t miss out. The important thing is to get the account opened and maximised in this tax year. If the rate isn’t competitive you can always transfer later, provided it allows access.”
Savers without the time or inclination to find a best-buy accont should opt for an instant access ISA and then transfer their tax-free lump sum into a New ISA which pays a competitive rate of return after July 1 when the allowance is raised to £15,000.
For investors who wish to actively manage their cash to make sure it is working as hard as possible, a selection of the best paying cash ISAs on the market still open to new money are below. The 2013/14 tax year ends at midnight on Saturday.
All data is provided by and based on a deposit of £3,000. In some cases, higher interest rates may be paid if the deposit is greater. Investors should take care to note the deadline for deposits as some of these cash ISAs close before the end of the tax year.