
Morningstar Regions

Region Breakdown
Morningstar divides countries of the world into 10 different geographic regions. These regions serve as the basis for the region breakdown portfolio calculation. The region breakdown calculation helps investors evaluate their equity exposure in various markets. It also helps investors differentiate between various global funds, which can invest across the world. Region breakdown is based on equity assets only. The 10 regions can also be folded into three super geographic regions: the Americas, Greater Europe and Greater Asia.

Development Status
Morningstar also classifies countries as developed or emerging. These assignments are based on per capita gross national income, as defined by the World Bank. The World Bank classifies countries as low income, middle income, upper middle income, and high income. With very few exceptions, the countries with high income are considered developed markets.

For additional information on which countries are in each region, please see: Morningstar Regions

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