The Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker Index ETF is also a hedge fund replicator. The fund tracks the GS-ART Index which seeks to approximate the returns of hedge funds by taking both long and short exposure to various asset classes (such as equity indices, fixed income indices and other assets). It is composed of a dynamic basket of long and short investable market factors determined by an algorithm to approximate patterns of hedge fund returns as a broad asset class. The weights of each of the market factors are rebalanced monthly using the most recent available performance data from the pre-defined hedge fund universe.
Daily transparency of asset class exposure and portfolio construction is available to investors only, while the GS-ART Index composition is available one month in arrears.
The Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker Index ETF levies a TER of 1.215%, which we think is expensive for a replicator.
The GS-ART Index (EUR) has delivered an average return of 2.5% since 2007. This compares favourably to respective performances of -4%, -0.2%, and 2.5% for the MSCI World, MSCI Europe, and Euro STOXX 50 total return indices. However, GS-ART Index (EUR) has underperformed its rival Merrill Lynch Factor Model by an average 1.6% per annum over the same period.
Also, over the past five years, the index has shown a high correlation with the MSCI World of 0.78, which limits its attraction as a portfolio diversifier.
The Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker Index ETF is available in EUR only.