Source BofAML Hedge Fund Factor Euro ETF

Morningstar Europe Editor 24 February, 2011 | 6:02PM
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The Source BofAML Hedge Fund Factor Euro ETF is a so-called hedge fund replicator, i.e. it aims to mimic hedge fund investment strategies. The fund is designed to synthetically replicate the performance of the Merrill Lynch Factor Model, which uses a portfolio of six well-known and highly liquid indices (see this table for recent composition). The portfolio is rebalanced on a monthly basis. The weightings of each constituent are determined using a rules-based, non-discretionary model developed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch in accordance with the Hedge Fund Research, Inc. weighted composite index map. Weightings can be positive (long) or negative (short).

Source discloses the composition of the Merrill Lynch Factor Model on a monthly basis, making its BofAML Hedge Fund Factor Euro ETF the most transparent of all European hedge fund ETFs. Nevertheless, investors will still not know what the fund’s constituents are on a daily basis.

The fund levies the lowest TER (0.7%) of all European hedge fund ETFs.

According to Source data, the Merrill Lynch Factor Model (EUR adjusted) has returned an average 5.1% per annum with volatility of 6.1% since 2006. It has outperformed the investable HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index by an average 4.5% per annum.

Over the past five years, the index has shown a moderate–to-high correlation with the MSCI World of around 0.71, which reduces its attraction as a portfolio diversifier.

As mentioned before, investors shouldn’t expect this fund to deliver a performance fully representative of the broad hedge fund industry. Hedge fund replication by design cannot capture the full benefits of the most talented (or luckiest) managers, even if it matches or betters the diversified hedge fund composite benchmarks.

The Source BofAML Hedge Fund Factor ETF is available in USD and EUR.

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