30 Days to Financial Fitness: Day 21

Day 21 of our financial fitness regime and it's time to check you're on track to hit your retirement goals

Christine Benz 18 September, 2012 | 9:21AM Holly Cook
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Day 21: See if You're on the Right Track for Retirement Savings
Degree of difficulty: Moderate

Most of the tasks in our 30-day financial fitness regimen have centred around helping you get your investment programme up and running. But once you do, it's essential that you periodically check in to make sure that your portfolio is on track to help you meet your goals.

A handy way to gauge whether you're making realistic assumptions is to use a pension calculator or retirement income calculator. You can find plenty of useful calculators online, such as Scottish Widow's pension calculator, but this retirement income calculator from T. Rowe Price in the US is one of the most comprehensive. Unlike many simpler tools, T. Rowe Price's calculator takes into account your asset allocation--both current and in retirement. The calcuations are in US dollars and some of the questions refer to US-specific products such Roth IRAs but read the dollar sign as a pound sign and assume Roth IRAs/401(k)s questions refer to ISAs, pension plans and other investment vehicles and you'll still get a very helpful gauge of whether your portfolio in its current incarnation will support your desired level of income.

Enter your portfolio into our Portfolio Manager or use the Morningstar Instant X-Ray to review your assumptions and allocations using your actual holdings. If all these tools point to a probable outcome that you don't find acceptable, you can then tinker with the variables, opting to save more, retire later, hold more in stocks, and so forth.

The bottom line with all of these tools is that they help you assess whether your portfolio can realistically support your goals. And the sooner you make that determination, the better positioned you will be to make changes so you don't fall short.

Return to the article: "The 30-Day Financial Fitness Plan".

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About Author

Christine Benz

Christine Benz  is director of personal finance at Morningstar and author of 30-Minute Money Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Your Finances.

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